RTI expert Pat Quinn states there are four traits of Successful Students. Read the descriptions of the four traits below and pick one to try out with your students this month.
Successful Students...
1 - Track Data Over Time: Incorporate data collection into your day. Students can track the air temperature, food served for lunch, daily attendance, etc.
2 - Have a Extensive Vocabulary: Use interesting language in your classroom. Expose students to new and exciting words every day.
3 - Have the Ability to Memorize: Teach your kids how to memorize! Start with 4 or 5 items to memorize and as you are successful, add 1 or 2 at a time. Memorize state capitals, multiplication facts, etc.
4 - Know how to Make and Use Flashcards: This is directly related to #3. If you should students how to make their own flashcards, they can control their own learning and success.
Choose one of these to work on this month. Please post about which one you chose and things you can share about your experience! How do you help students memorize? Do you have a fun way of incorporating new words? Do your students make flashcards? Did you track data and did the students like the activity?